Indonesia’s Emergency Contact Information: Knowing What to Do in Case of Need

indonesia, holiday, vacation

As travelers, we often get caught up in the excitement of exploring a new country and forget about the importance of being prepared for emergencies. Indonesia is a beautiful country with diverse cultural experiences to offer, but it’s crucial to have emergency contact information readily available in case of any unforeseen situations.

Whether you’re traveling to Bali, Jakarta, or any other city in Indonesia, it’s always better to be prepared than sorry. Having access to the right emergency contacts and healthcare services can make all the difference when faced with an unexpected situation during your holiday vacation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Being prepared with emergency contact information is crucial while on an Indonesia holiday vacation.
  • Knowing essential emergency contacts, accessing health and medical services, contacting consular services, utilizing transportation and travel assistance, seeking help from tourist information centers, and staying safe throughout the trip are all important.
  • Travelers should ensure they have travel insurance and any necessary medical requirements before embarking on their trip to Indonesia.
  • Language assistance services are available to help tourists communicate with locals who may not speak their language.
  • Travelers should take necessary precautions, such as staying informed about local news and being aware of their surroundings, to ensure a safe and enjoyable vacation.

Essential Emergency Contacts in Indonesia

While on a holiday vacation in Indonesia, it’s crucial to be prepared with emergency contact information in case of any unforeseen situations. Here are some essential emergency contacts that you should keep handy:


  • Emergency: 110
  • Non-emergency police: 112

Ambulance Services:

  • Emergency: 118
  • Non-emergency ambulance: 119

Fire Department:

  • Emergency: 113
  • Non-emergency fire department: 114

Tourist Police:

  • Emergency: 129
  • Non-emergency tourist police: +62 811 397 901

It’s essential to have these numbers readily available. Knowing when to contact each service and having a basic understanding of the local language could make all the difference in an emergency situation.

Remember, emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, and to anyone. Being prepared with the right emergency contacts can help you stay calm and take action when needed. Next up, let’s take a closer look at the health and medical services available in Indonesia.

Health and Medical Services

As a traveler in Indonesia, it’s essential to be aware of the available health and medical services. In case of any unexpected medical emergencies, knowing where to find the nearest medical services can be lifesaving.

Indonesia has both public and private healthcare systems. Public healthcare is usually cheaper, but the quality of service may not be as good as the private healthcare system. It’s vital to have travel insurance to cover any medical expenses, as medical costs can be expensive.

If you need medical assistance or advice, you can visit one of the many hospitals or clinics in Indonesia. The Siloam Hospitals Group is one of the largest private hospital networks in Indonesia, with several locations across the country. Another private healthcare provider is Rumah Sakit Mitra Keluarga, which has four locations in Jakarta.

There are also several pharmacies in Indonesia, including Guardian and Watsons, where you can purchase over-the-counter medication or obtain prescription medication with a doctor’s prescription. If you are traveling with prescription medication, it’s important to carry it with you at all times and have a copy of the prescription on hand.

It’s crucial to note that some areas in Indonesia are prone to diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Before traveling to Indonesia, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider and obtain any necessary vaccinations or medications to protect yourself from these diseases.

Overall, it’s important to prioritize your health and well-being while traveling in Indonesia. Staying informed and prepared can ensure a safe and memorable trip.

Consular Services and Embassies

During your Indonesia holiday vacation, it’s important to know what consular services and embassies are available to you. In case of any emergencies or need for assistance, your country’s embassy or consulate can offer guidance and support. Keep in mind that different countries may have different services and hours of operation, so it’s essential to plan accordingly.

Embassy Contact Information

  • United States: Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No.3-5, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta 10110; +62-21-5083-1000
  • United Kingdom: Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 75, Jakarta 10310; +62 21 2356 5200
  • Australia: Jalan Patra Kuningan Raya, Blok L5-6, Jakarta Selatan, 12950; +62 21 2550 5555

It’s essential to have your embassy’s contact information on hand in case of any emergencies or need for assistance. Keep a copy of your passport, visa, and other important documents in a safe place and inform your embassy of your presence in Indonesia to ensure that they can provide immediate assistance if needed.

Consular Services

Consular services provided by embassies may include:

  • Passport and visa services: Assistance with lost or stolen passports and obtaining new visas
  • Notarial services: Assistance with legal documents such as power of attorney or affidavits
  • Emergency assistance: Assistance in cases of death, hospitalization, or other emergencies

Local Consulates

If your country does not have an embassy in Indonesia, there may be a consulate that can assist you. Be sure to research and have contact information for any local consulates in your destination.

Remember, in case of any emergencies or need for assistance during your Indonesia holiday vacation, your embassy or consulate can offer guidance and support. So, make sure to keep their contact information on hand and inform them of your presence in Indonesia to ensure they can provide immediate assistance if needed.

Transportation and Travel Assistance

Traveling in a foreign country can be overwhelming, but in Indonesia, there are various transportation and travel assistance options available to make your vacation seamless and enjoyable. Here are some essential transportation and travel assistance services you can access during your trip:

Airports and Airlines

Indonesia has several international airports, including Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta, Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali, and Juanda International Airport in Surabaya. These airports offer a range of facilities and services such as currency exchange, baggage storage, and duty-free shops. Many domestic airlines operate flights between Indonesia’s major cities, making it easier to explore different destinations while in the country.

Taxi Services

Taxis are a convenient way to get around in Indonesia, especially in major cities such as Jakarta and Bali. Blue Bird taxis are a reliable option, and they have an English-speaking call center to assist travelers. Other popular taxi companies include Go-Jek and Grab, which offer app-based services that make it easy to hail a ride.

Travel Agencies

Travel agencies in Indonesia can provide support and guidance when planning your vacation. They can help arrange transportation, accommodations, and activities to ensure a hassle-free holiday. Many travel agencies also offer customizable tour packages to suit your preferences and interests.

Tour Guides

Hiring a tour guide in Indonesia can be beneficial for travelers who want to explore the country’s culture and history. A local guide can provide insights and take you to off-the-beaten-path destinations that may not be in the typical guidebooks. They can also assist with language barriers and help ensure that your trip is memorable.

Emergency Travel Assistance

In case of any travel emergencies, travel assistance services such as International SOS and Allianz Global Assistance provide medical and travel assistance services. These services can help you access medical facilities, provide language support, and even arrange for emergency evacuations if needed.

Overall, Indonesia has numerous transportation and travel assistance options available to help make your vacation stress-free and enjoyable. Whether you need help planning your trip or assistance in case of an emergency, there are services and resources available to make your experience as smooth as possible.

Tourist Information Centers

Whether you’re a first-time traveler to Indonesia or a seasoned visitor, it’s always wise to have access to local information and guidance. Tourist information centers in Indonesia provide just that. These centers offer a wealth of information on local attractions, accommodations, activities, dining, and more.

With their extensive knowledge of the region, the staff at tourist information centers can offer recommendations and advice on the best places to visit and things to do. They can also provide maps, guidebooks, and brochures that can help you plan your itinerary.

Most tourist information centers in Indonesia are run by the local government or tourism industry associations. Some are open 24/7, while others have more limited hours of operation. It’s a good idea to check the operating hours of the tourist information center nearest to you so that you can plan your visit accordingly.

Types of Services Offered

Tourist information centers in Indonesia offer a range of services designed to help make your vacation as enjoyable as possible. Some of the most common services include:

  • Information on local attractions
  • Maps and guidebooks
  • Recommendations for dining and activities
  • Assistance with booking accommodations and transportation
  • Information on local events and festivals
  • Translation services

Additionally, some tourist information centers have knowledgeable staff members who can help with any specific inquiries or concerns you may have during your trip.

Most tourist information centers are staffed with English-speaking personnel, making it easy to communicate and receive the assistance you need. Don’t hesitate to visit a tourist information center during your Indonesia vacation to get the most out of your trip.

Language Assistance in Indonesia

When visiting Indonesia, it is crucial to have language assistance services readily available. As English may not be widely spoken, it can be challenging to communicate effectively with locals and navigate the country with ease. Fortunately, there are several language assistance options for travelers.

Translation Services

Translation services are available in major cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Bali, and Surabaya. These services can help visitors communicate with locals, translate documents, and provide assistance with any language barriers that may arise during their stay.

Language Hotlines

Several language hotlines are available for tourists in Indonesia. These hotlines offer real-time assistance with translation, emergency situations, and general inquiries. One such hotline is the Indonesia Tourism Information Center, which provides support in multiple languages, including English.

Language Guidebooks

An excellent tool for language assistance is a language guidebook. Many guidebooks provide common phrases and vocabulary for travelers to communicate with locals. These books can be purchased before arrival or found in bookstores and tourist centers throughout the country.

  • Bring a language guidebook or download a language app before your trip to prepare yourself for language barriers.
  • Be sure to keep emergency contact numbers and important information written down in the local language in case of an emergency.

Don’t let language barriers hinder your travels in Indonesia. With translation services, language hotlines, and language guidebooks, you can enjoy a seamless vacation experience. Remember to come prepared, be respectful, and embrace the local culture.

Travel Safety Tips in Indonesia

When traveling to Indonesia, it’s essential to keep in mind some basic safety tips to ensure a smooth and secure vacation. As a journalist, I believe that every traveler should be aware of their surroundings and take necessary precautions. Here are some travel safety tips that can help you have a safe and enjoyable trip:

1. Stay Informed

It is crucial to keep yourself informed about the current situation in the country by keeping an eye on local news and weather reports, especially if you are traveling during a hurricane or typhoon season.

2. Be Mindful of Your Belongings

Indonesia is a relatively safe country, but petty crime such as pickpocketing can happen. As such, keep your belongings safe and always know where your valuables are. Keep your passport, travel documents, and money in a secure location like a hotel safe.

3. Know the Traffic Rules

Indonesia’s traffic rules can be different from what you’re used to back home. Ensure you understand the rules, and always wear a helmet when riding a motorbike.

4. Get Vaccinated and Carry a First-Aid Kit

Before you travel to Indonesia, consult your doctor, and get the necessary vaccinations. Carry a first-aid kit with you containing necessary medication and items like band-aids, antiseptic, and pain-relieving medication.

5. Respect the Culture and Customs

Indonesia is a culturally rich country with beautiful traditions. It is essential to respect its customs and culture. For example, dress modestly when entering religious sites and remove your shoes before entering someone’s home or a temple.

6. Stay Hydrated and Avoid Tap Water

Hydration is key when traveling to Indonesia. Ensure you drink plenty of bottled water and avoid tap water. Carry a reusable water bottle and refill it when needed from a trusted source.

7. Stay in Safe Areas

Indonesia is generally a safe country, but it’s still essential to stay in safe areas. Avoid areas with a high crime rate and exercise caution when traveling at night. If possible, travel with a trustworthy companion.

8. Keep Emergency Contacts Handy

Finally, it’s essential to keep emergency contacts handy in case of any unforeseen situations or emergencies. Keep a list of essential emergency contacts, including the police, ambulance services, fire department, and tourist police, both in your phone and on a piece of paper.

By following these travel safety tips, you can ensure that your vacation in Indonesia is safe, secure, and memorable. Have a great trip!


In conclusion, preparing for an Indonesia holiday vacation with emergency contact information is essential. By knowing the essential emergency contacts, accessing health and medical services, contacting consular services, utilizing transportation and travel assistance, seeking help from tourist information centers, and staying safe throughout the trip, travelers can ensure a stress-free and enjoyable vacation.

Remember to always keep emergency contact information readily available in case of any unforeseen situations. It is also crucial to stay informed of the local news and take necessary precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable holiday vacation in Indonesia.

I hope this article has provided valuable information and tips for your upcoming trip to Indonesia. Have a safe and wonderful holiday vacation!

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